The American Center
USFCR Verified Vendor


The Center is established out of the necessity to better protect American safety and security, American national and international interests, and the American way of life, by identifying, targeting and destroying extremist terrorist threats.

The mission of The Center is to diminish the capability of the extremist and terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist organizations in recruiting, mobilizing, regrouping and re-emerging as new and even more vicious and dangerous terrorist groups Since 9/11 terror attacks, despite international focus, terror groups have been able to re-emerge as stronger, more organized and better equipped. While counterterrorism operations, led by the United States have degraded terrorist operational capabilities, more needs to be done to diminish their potential to recruit and radicalize youth. Recent attacks in London, Vienna and Paris, are a testimony that operational surveillance is insufficient to prevent mass-scale terror attacks that harm innocent civilians and seriously disrupt modern civilized public life.


The direct cost of the September 11 attack has been the loss of 2,996 innocent lives. The United States is estimated to have incurred several tens of billions of dollars in direct economic losses due to the terrorist attacks and the terror threats over the years. In addition, the United States is estimated to have lost tens of billions of dollars due to fluctuations in financial markets as a result of terrorist attacks and terror threats, and the disruptions in US companies' ability to do business overseas. The United States alone now spends billions annually on departments directly engaged in combating or preventing terrorism. Combating extremism and terrorism is vital to ensuring a stable economy and fiscal markets for the benefit of American people and American businesses.


The Center's aim is to preserve and protect the values of the modern, civilized and democratic world, the values of personal freedom, dignity and integrity.

The Center will support the implementation of the White House's National Strategy for Counterterrorism and United States Department of Homeland Security's Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence.

The Center is based in Salt Lake City, Utah and operates through affiliates in London, Paris, Vienna and throughout the Middle East. The Center is a legal organization and is subject to US federal laws and regulations.

The Center coordinates its work with, and supports legitimate and democratic governments, and lawful security and intelligence agencies across the World, as well as with United States diplomatic missions in foreign countries.


Center's Activities:

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